Barak Optometry located in the Robinson Costco
We are happy to take the following vision insurance plans: United Healthcare Vision/Spectera, Superior, Davis, FEP, VBA, Costco Employee Vision Insurance
Please schedule only routine/annual exams. For follow up on a recent exam, please call the office at (412) 490-2202. For new medical eye issues, you may prefer call a local ophthalmology office to use your medical insurance. Go to an ER if you are having an eye emergency.

Barak Optometry
Barak Optometry
At Barak Optometry we strive to provide you with the very best in eye care as well as superb personal service. We hope you'll come in soon and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea in our waiting area and allow us to attend to your eye care needs.
Although located inside Costco, Barak Optometry is a private practice offering patient-centered eye exams. We do not sell any eyeglasses or contact lens, which allows us to focus solely on our patients and their treatment.
At the end of your exam you may take your prescription to the optical of your choice. Most of our patients choose to use Costco optical because of their large selection of premium eye wear products at exceptional prices.


Eye Exams
Eye Exams
General Eye Exam $70
Pediatric Eye Exam $70

Contact Lenses
Contact Lenses
Contact Lens Exam $100
Specialty Contact Lens Exam $110

Vision Tests
Vision Tests
Optos Retinal Scan $30